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Art Institute in Bali

>> Friday, 4 December 2009

A Glance of the only Art Institute in Bali.

Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar in Indonesian called ISI Denpasar is the one and only Art Institute in Bali. ISI Denpasar is an art college Institute organized by the Department beneath and having direct responsibility to the Ministry of National Education. Functionally, the ISI Denpasar is supervised by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. ISI Denpasar was established based on the President of Republic Indonesia Decree No. 33/2003 dated 26 May 2003 were constituting an integration of Indonesian College of Arts (STSI) Denpasar and the Study Program of Fine Arts and Design (PSSRD) Udayana University.
Former name of the STSI Denpasar was the Academy of Indonesian Performing Arts (ASTI) Denpasar, founded by the Religion Government of Bali Province on 28 January 1967 based on the decree of Governor of Bali No. 2/Pem/5/I/A/1967 on the initiative of the cultural advisory and supervisory Council (LISTIBYA). Having entered the second year, the ASTI Denpasar received its status as a state managed Institution from the Department of Education and Culture with the decree No. 066/1969 dated 7 August 1969 and ASTI Denpasar was declared a department of ASTI Yogyakarta. Then by the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture no . 0445/0/1998 the status of ASTI Denpasae was upgraded into STSI. PSSRD as fine art faculty was organized by Technique Faculty, Udayana University since 1st October 1965, under Ministry of PTPI Republic of Indonesia No. 240/SEK/PU/1965 on 20th October 1965. Based on Rector of Unud decree No. 483/SK/PT.17/R.VIII/1983 on 10th May 1983.
So on 28th July 2003, Minister of National Education, Prof. Drs. Malik Fadjar, M.Sc has inauguranted the establishment of ISI Denpasar marked with inscriptional signing taking a place at Natya Mandala Hall of ISI Denpasar.


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