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Ubud and Yoga

>> Saturday, 6 March 2010

Yoga in rice field
My friends, do you know Yoga? if you know yoga, it is great. Nowsday yoga is very famous but sometimes some people or Yoga practiser dont know why is yoga not too popular in Bali also Ubud? Firstly  let is discuss what is yoga then after this, the question will automatically answer. Yoga is Universal, it means, Yoga can practise from another religion besides Hindu and Budha. Especially now much book already translated yoga too English so the author of Yoga books already translated from Sanskrit to English so it made Yoga is more universal.
Yoga is one element of 6 element in Hindu sayings in Tapa (meditation) activity, which is someone totally focus to 1 thing that contol his body and mind. Generally people know Yoga as Asana,Asana means you act something while you control your breath to harmony your soul and body.
Yoga has a lot of usefulness likes;
  • keep away from stress
In globalization era, stress is very familiar and to avoid it, one a simple thing is Yoga. Yeah Yoga can help you. If you are stress right know, Yoga is one of the best way to keep away from your stress because Yoga give you relaxation, posture practice, breat and meditation that effective to decreas tension and worried levels. Yoga help also to increase anti body to control stress.
  •  Smoothen blood
In some Yoga positions, for example, Eagle position will help hip to smoothen blood, Becky Jeffers, director of Berman Centre for Female Sexual Healt and Menopause Manajement in Chicago says practise your hip will help you to get your orgasme. Besides this Ellent  Barrett, writer of Sexy Yoga says Yoga make a strong and flexibale body and both will help to do much of love intercourse sex positions.
  • Make convident
When practice Yoga, It will make and practise to keep focus. Keep focus help to concentration in your job and it will enamoures to do your best in your office.

With so much usefulness, why in Bali, Yoga is not to popular although Yoga is Hindu important learned because Hindu in Bali use different way to pray with The Suprime God. Hindu in Bali mostly use ceremony and offering to pray. It is called "Mamisa style". "Mamisa style" was used to in India long time ago. when Hindu from India came to Bali, Hindu in India was used "Mamisa" then they spread Hindu with their style, "Mamisa style" in Indonesia then as story Hindu in Indonesia mostly moved to Bali. Could it is image that Hindu is still same until present with Hindu when Hindu first time to Indonesia in 5 Century, It was known in epigraphy in Kutai east Borneo, Indonesia that said in that time already exist powelful Hindu Kingdom there. So just different way but same destination to find peace in our life. Although Balinese are not practice Yoga to much but there are many Balinese learned Yoga to India, practise and teach it too. So  it is time to start Yoga, itn't you. Practise Yoga in Ubud, Ubud has everything, best teachers, best price, many place to learn and of course Ubud has the best place, could you image that you are practise Yoga in middle of rice field. Only in Ubud.


Unknown 9 March 2010 at 06:52  

hai yogavidya, I just read those books review from our local newpapers. If you need more information about Yoga in Ubud just check it out in this blog. keep visiting.

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